Mandatory training and specialties
for professionals in the medical-social sector.
Care assistant, nursing assistant, nurse...
professions that work closely with vulnerable people.
The early childhood, health, old age and disability sectors bring together many professions, all serving the most vulnerable. Taking care of children and organizing educational activities for some, caring for the sick, supporting disabled adults, elderly people at home or in a nursing home for others... All are confronted, during their career, with an emergency situation.
Our training organization, labeled DPC (No. 7848), Datadock and CESU branch (Emergency Care Teaching Center), has set up training adapted to the staff of Medico-social establishments: AFGSU 1 and 2, SST, specialized training according to the sectors...
We have developed training courses dedicated to professionals in contact with vulnerable people (young children, the elderly, people with disabilities) to provide an appropriate response in emergency situations: accidents, trauma, cardiac arrest, deep injuries, etc. Situations that require knowledge to react quickly and adopt the right actions.
Some training courses are recommended, others are mandatory, to work in a healthcare facility, a nursing home, a home or a daycare center. Because cardiac massage or lateral positioning can save lives, our training courses focus on taking into account the specific features of medical and social establishments for emergency management, adapted to the reality of the situations.
The SST training is intended for all employees, in particular for staff in medico-social establishments.
The Workplace First Aid (SST) training generally takes place over two days, at the end of which the worker obtains a certification recognized by the State. The objective of this training is twofold:
• To be able to provide assistance to any person who has been the victim of an accident or who is feeling unwell in order to protect, alert and rescue.
• To be able to play a prevention role within medical-social centres and homes in order to identify potential dangers.
Using a defibrillator, responding appropriately to heavy bleeding or choking, securing an injured person, etc. The SST training allows you to adopt the right actions and adopt the right attitudes. In terms of prevention, it also aims to identify situations that could endanger people within the establishment.
AFGSU 1 is "intended for all non-healthcare staff working in a healthcare facility or medico-social structure", according to the Order of December 30, 2014.
Thus, whether you are a psychologist, hospital service agent, administrative or technical agent, cook in an EHPAD, secretary in a Specialized Reception Center (MAS) or security agent in a Medical Reception Center (FAM), everyone can be confronted with an emergency situation or witness an accident. This is why the certificate of training in emergency procedures and care allows:
• Intervene and alert in the event of a life-threatening emergency,
• Adopt life-saving actions,
• Identify, intervene and alert in the event of a potential emergency situation,
• Know and identify collective emergency situations.
As a CESU (Emergency Care Teaching Center) branch, we are authorized to provide AFGSU training.
The AFGSU 2 is intended for medical and paramedical staff working in a healthcare establishment or a medico-social structure, in particular:
• Doctor, Nurse, Nursing Assistant,
• Educational and Social Support Worker (AES),
• Medical-Psychological Assistant (AMP),
• Social Life Assistant (AVS),
• Childcare Assistant,
• Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist...
For 10 years, we have been working in Training Institutes to provide AFGSU 2 & Recycling training in:
IFSI (nurse), IFAS (nursing assistant), GRETA (AES), IFA (ambulance driver)...
Dokever Formation has developed specializations for medical and paramedical professionals:
• Management of vital emergencies for the elderly without medical presence.
Public: Nurses, nursing assistants and service agents working in structures welcoming the elderly.
• Emergency management in MAS (Specialized Reception Home) and FAM (Medicalized Reception Home).
Public: Nurses, specialized educators, nursing assistants, AMP, AES, educational monitors
• Management of aggression and/or violence crisis (in the Emergency Room or in EHPAD).
Public: Any professional working in the health sector (emergencies, institutions and EHPAD) or medico-social sector confronted with aggression and/or crises of violence.
Find over 80 highly specialized training courses dedicated to all pre-hospital emergency practices. SST, AFGSU 1 and 2, Specializations in the medical-social sector...
dokever-formation.comOur teams welcome you to Lyon in France and
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